International Conference on Social Science, Management and Tourism (ICSSMT-2023)
ICSSTM-2023 will be held on 23th-24th December 2023 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and Online. We hope ICESESI 2022 unites diverse researchers, innovations, and case studies from all over the world in parallel sessions while offering many networking and publishing opportunities. Discover the latest trends and challenges in the field at this leading conference.
Important Note
- To complete registration, make the payment and send us the payment receipt or transaction proof you received after the transaction you made along with the filled-up registration form in scanned copy before the last date for conference registration.
- Delegates should bear the service charges (if any) of the bank on the sender’s side with registration fees.
- The registration fees you paid are non-refundable in case you do not attend the conference or withdraw your paper. The paid amount can be used as a stored credit for any of our upcoming conferences Or Participants can present in the virtual session.

Important dates
Abstract Submission Deadline
December 5, 2023
Acceptance/Rejection Notification
On a rolling basis
Registration Deadline
December 12, 2023 (Early Bird Registrations)
Important dates
Full Paper Submission
December 20, 2023
Conference Date
23th, 24th December 2023Downloads
Theme 1
Empowering Society through Language and Communication
- Applied Linguistics
- Cross-Cultural Communication/Second Language Acquisition
- Discourse Analysis
- Health/Tourism Communication
- Language Teaching and Assessment
Theme 2
Inclusion in Learning or PostCovid-19- Education for All
- Teaching and learning/Training
- Technology in education
- Management and leadership & Global issues in Education
- Psychology
- Technical Education and Vocational Training
Theme 3
Post Covid-19 Humanity Social Challenges, Gender Diversity and Identity Issues
- Pandemic Covid 19 and Social Change
- Community and Societal Development
- Politics and Integrity
- Ethics in Social Practices and Organization
- Social Change and Cultural issues
- History and Nationhood
- Communication
- Racism and Migration
- Leadership and Rural Development
- Human Resource Development
- Psychological and Mental Health
- Industrial Organizational Psychology
- Religious Psychology
Theme 4
Manage Your Thinking & Embrace Success
1. Management Thinking
2. Leadership and Management
3. Project Management
4. Operations Management
5. Supply chain Management
6. Organizational management
7. Education Management
8. Economic Thinking
9. Environmental management
10. Construction management
11. Tourism management
12. Human resource management
13. Natural resource management
14. Waste management
15. Water Management
16. Flood Management
17. Information Management
18. ]Data Management
Theme 5
New Trends in Tourism
1. E-Tourism
2. City Tourism
3. Medical Tourism
4. Tourism Development
5. Tourism Geography
6. Tourism Law
7. Rural Tourism
8. Social Media and Tourism
9. Sport Tourism
10. GIS Applications in Tourism
11. Tourism and SDGs.
12. Tourism planning and regional development
13. Gastronomic Tourism
14. New types of Tourism (Dark/ Grief Tourism, Event Tourism, Film Tourism etc.)
15. Gender and tourism
16. Ethics and Responsibility
17. Moral tourism encounters
18. Tourism politics
19. Tourism and nation building
20. Tourism and Political Assimilation
Publication Opportunities
Conference Proceedings
All abstracts accepted for presentation will be Double Peer Blind Reviewed and will be published in the Conference Abstract Proceedings.
Journal Publications
* All papers presented at the conference can opt for publication in International Peer Review journals indexed in Scopus, Web of Science and Google Scholar.
* United Frontiers Publisher offers Substantive manuscript editing services to polish your paper for publication. Please contact the conference coordinator.
Participation options
* Oral Presentation: Every presenter needs to complete the presentation within 15 minutes. Each presenter will be allotted 11 minutes to deliver their presentation. Need to prepare PPT for presentation with no more than 10 slides.
* Online Presentation (LIVE): Virtual participants will present live on Zoom. A Zoom link will be shared with every participant after successful registration.
* Listener: You can opt to participate as a listener in the session and get your participation certificate.
Submission Guidelines
* Abstract Submission: The maximum word limit for the Abstract is 300–400 words. Abstracts must be received by the due date.
* Full paper Submission: After acceptance of the abstract, participants will be called to submit their full papers for peer review and publication in journals.
* Abstract and full papers submission to: submissions@unifrontierspublisher.com
Tentative Conference Program
Note: These programs are subject to change. The final conference program will be sent to all participants 2 weeks before the conference.
Time | Program |
09:00 AM – 09:15 AM | Login / Registration at Desk |
09:15 AM – 09:45 AM | Welcome, Opening General Session & Keynote |
09:45 AM – 10:00 AM | Coffee Break |
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM | Techninical Session 1 |
12:00 PM – 12:45 PM | Lunch Break |
01:00 PM – 13:00 PM | Techninical Session 2 |
13:00 PM – 13:30 PM | Certificate Distribution & Award Ceremony |
13:30 PM – 14:00 PM | Testimonial & Closing |
* Every participant is required to register for ICESESI-2023.
* Conference Registration Fees:
Paper presentation: On-site-$130 USD, Online-$75
Listener: Onsite-$70 USD, Online-$30
Registration Guidelines
Please confirm your slot in the conference by completing the registration by the registration deadline.
Acceptable payment methods:

Pay Online
Click here (physical conference registration)
Click here (Virtual conference registration)
Click here (PayPal registration)
If you face any problems please contact contact@unifrontierspublisher.com to get account details and make the payment.

Conference Chair
Professor Dr. Shahid Bashir
Professor of Marketing and Analytics,
Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico
Conference Committee
Dr Usman Khan
North Minzu University Yinchuan City,
Ningxia Province, China
Prof Dr Kamal Pasa
Department of anthropology
University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh
Dr Sabbar Dahham Sabbar
Hasanddin University (UNHAS),
Dr Tahir Jahan Khan
Lahore, Pakistan
Dr. Jamshid Ali
Ph.D Management Studies
University of Tabuk, Tabuk, Saudi Arabia
Dr. Muddassr Ghani Khwaja
Staffordshire Business School, Staffordshire University, United Kingdom
Dr. Shahzad Ahmad Khan
College of Business,
University of Buraimi
Dr. Hina Shahab
Numl University Islamabad,
Dr. Maria Zulfiqar
NUML University Islamabad,
Dr. Song Lu
Segi University,
Dr. Hafiza Safia Shaukat
University of Punjib
Dr. Rajani Balakrishnan
School of Business &
Management, INTI University Nilia,
Venue and Location
Venue Address: Jalan Dulang, Mines Wellness City, 43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor, Malaysia